Saturday, 2 October 2010

Another Saturday....

I know I have started fresh on the whole blogging thing yet my posts are sporadic but I guess I just have nothing much to say lately. Trying to get my head around losing some weight and keep bouncing back and forth sucks. I't has now officially been a year since I quit smoking, you would think I could get my shit together and lose some damn weight now!! but here I sit bitching about it and thinking, "I could really go for a smoke!" If it's not one thing its another.. lol Anyway, The girl  has gone to see Disney on Ice today with her Daddy and Grandma. I'm sure she is having a good time! Not much else to talk about at the moment so I will just leave you with some more pics of the little sprog!


Kila said...

Love the photos :)

Did you paint her face yourself?

Blogging doesn't have to be regular, just when it strikes you.

I've had good luck with two types of diets--going very low carb and/or eating only 1300 calories per day.

Tonya said...

Thanks girl :)

No, We had it done when we took her to Twycross Zoo... I thought she did a really good job as well :) She had her face done at Paignton Zoo as well a couple years ago as a Tiger and that was REALLY good!!

Anonymous said...

I don't care how often you blog, I'm just so happy you're back!!

I lost 40 lbs. doing strict low-carb... BUT... gained it all back once I had a bagel. And then another, followed by toast, a sandwich... mmmm... BREAD. It was a nice weight loss, but - at least for me - not at all realistic.

A year since you quit smoking?! That's AMAZING!!!! (BTW, you'll think about it FOREVER. It's been 8 years for me, and I SITLL think about it!!!)