Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Loose Teeth....

The girl has got two loose teeth now! I wish it would chill out for a bit.. she has 2 adult teeth already, 1 missing tooth, 2 loose teeth and one molar coming in.. She is only 5 years old!! I thought I would have some more time before all my baby's teeth were falling out and she was becoming a teenager... this just seems wrong .. lol


Laura said...

I was the worst when I was little and I felt a loose tooth. I would wiggle and wiggle it for hours trying to speed up the process so the tooth fairy would come quicker! :)
In response to your comment - Halloween really isn't what it used to be here. Last year we only had 2 trick or treaters come to the house and only a handful the year before that. I loved Halloween when I was young so I still like to do some of the fun things with the little one to show her that halloween is still cool even thought the stores all have christmas stuff out already. :)

Anvilcloud said...

My goodness: she seems very young to be getting her adult teeth. That's a great photo, down below, with the cat face.

Kila said...

Awww, they look so different when they lose those baby teeth!

My boys all started losing baby teeth late--around age 7. But many of their classmates starting losing baby teeth in kindergarten (age 5).