Saturday, 16 October 2010

Percy Pig...

This is Percy Pig and if you are lucky you will get to take him home for the night and write about your adventures in the Percy Pig book. Randie was able to take him home because she sang so beautifully in school just like a grown up her teacher says. So Percy stayed over, did some colouring, went for a ride on her bike and a ride in the car and was returned safely in the morning back to school. This was the second time Randie had him within a months time...

She just adores him and is so proud when she gets to bring him home. She just never wants to give him back. I personally just think.. ewwwe how many kids have snotted on this pig? At least this time the teacher told Randie he had just been cleaned... lol So maybe she will escape without the getting the plague! 


Kila said...

Awww, fun!

I remember when it was my boys' turn to bring home the special classroom character, and how excited they were!

Anvilcloud said...

Despite the snot concern, this is a great incentive/reward on the teacher's part.